Mommy Makeover Options

Conveniently located to serve the areas of New Bern, NC

Tummy Tuck

A mommy makeover is a transformative surgical procedure that addresses the physical changes that often occur in women’s bodies after pregnancy and childbirth. Dr. Zannis, a highly skilled and experienced plastic surgeon at Zannis Plastic Surgery in New Bern, specializes in mommy makeovers and understands the unique needs and concerns of his patients.

The mommy makeover is not a one-size-fits-all procedure but rather a customizable set of procedures tailored to each patient’s individual goals and desires. The most common procedures included in a mommy makeover are tummy tuck (abdominoplasty), breast augmentation or breast lift (mastopexy), and body contouring with liposuction. These procedures work together to restore a woman’s pre-pregnancy physique, addressing sagging skin, excess fat, stretched abdominal muscles, and deflated breasts.

If you are seeking to restore your pre-pregnancy body, or if you simply want a customizable and effective all-around improvement in your silhouette, look no further than Zannis Plastic Surgery. Contact our office at (252) 633-1197 to schedule a consultation and embark on your mommy makeover journey with a trusted and skilled plastic surgeon.

Before and After Photos

About the Mommy Makeover

Many women notice significant changes in their bodies after pregnancy and childbirth. The physical toll of carrying a child can lead to loose skin, stretch marks, stubborn fat deposits, and changes in breast shape and volume. These changes can affect a woman’s self-confidence and body image.

At Zannis Plastic Surgery, we understand the unique concerns and desires of mothers who want to regain their pre-pregnancy bodies. That’s why we offer a comprehensive solution known as the mommy makeover. This customizable combination of procedures is designed to address the specific needs and goals of each patient.

Benefits of a Mommy Makeover

  • Restored pre-pregnancy body shape
  • Reduction of excess skin and stretched abdominal muscles
  • Correction of sagging breasts and nipple position
  • Renewed youthful appearance
  • Long-lasting results with proper maintenance
  • Improved clothing fit and ability to wear desired outfits
  • Overall improvement in physical and emotional well-being

Candidates for a Mommy Makeover

Ideal candidates for a mommy makeover are women who have experienced significant changes in their bodies due to pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding. These changes often include:

  • Sagging, deflated, or asymmetrical breasts 
  • Excess abdominal skin and fat 
  • Stubborn pockets of fat in various areas

The mommy makeover offers a comprehensive solution to address these concerns and restore a woman’s pre-pregnancy figure. Patients should be in good overall health with no serious medical conditions that could affect their eligibility for the procedure. They should also be non-smokers or willing to quit for the duration of their treatment plan.

Personal Consultation

When it comes to the Mommy Makeover, selecting the right plastic surgeon is of utmost importance. During your consultation with Dr. Zannis, he will take the time to understand your unique concerns and goals. He will carefully review your medical history, discuss any previous pregnancies, and assess your current physical condition. This in-depth evaluation allows him to create a customized treatment plan tailored specifically to address your individual needs.

Mommy Makeover Options

Tummy Tuck

As the fifth most popular cosmetic surgery in the United States, (1) the tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is a part of the vast majority of mommy makeovers. Whether you are struggling with loose, sagging skin, separated abdominal muscles, or an undesirable C-section scar, a tummy tuck can help you restore a smoother, firmer, and more toned abdomen.

During the procedure, Dr. Zannis carefully removes excess skin and fat, allowing for a tighter and more contoured appearance. In addition, the underlying abdominal muscles that may have become stretched or separated during pregnancy are repaired and tightened, creating a stronger core foundation. This not only improves the aesthetic appearance but also provides functional benefits such as improved posture, increased abdominal strength, and even relief from back pain. (2)

Can a Tummy Tuck Reduce C-Section Scarring?

For patients who have undergone a C-section, a tummy tuck can also include scar revision to minimize the visibility of the scar and create a more seamless abdominal contour. Our skilled plastic surgeon, Dr. Zannis, utilizes advanced techniques to ensure optimal results while minimizing scarring and promoting faster recovery.

Breast Enhancement

Breast augmentation increases the size and enhances the shape of the breasts. This procedure involves the placement of breast implants, either saline or silicone, to achieve the desired volume and fullness. Breast augmentation can be an excellent choice for individuals who desire a significant increase in breast size or wish to restore lost volume during a mommy makeover.

A breast lift, or mastopexy, is designed to address sagging or drooping breasts. This happens when the skin loses elasticity due to factors such as:

  • Pregnancy 
  • Breastfeeding 
  • Gravity
  • The Natural Aging Process

During a breast lift, Dr. Zannis removes excess skin and reshapes and repositions the breast tissue to create a more lifted and youthful appearance. Unlike breast augmentation, a breast lift does not involve the use of implants to increase breast size. Instead, it focuses on improving breast contour and firmness.

It is important to note that these procedures can be performed individually or combined, depending on your unique needs and goals. Some patients may benefit from both breast augmentation and a breast lift to achieve optimal results. 


Post-pregnancy body contouring with liposuction is a safe and proven method to eliminate stubborn fat deposits. Liposuction after childbirth is particularly beneficial when combined with other procedures, such as a tummy tuck or breast augmentation, as part of a mommy makeover. Liposuction can be performed on numerous areas of the body, including the following:

  • Abdomen
  • Hips
  • Back
  • “Bra Rolls”
  • Flanks
  • Chin
  • Arms
  • Thighs
  • Ankles/Calves
  • Buttocks

This comprehensive approach allows for a complete transformation, addressing multiple areas of concern and restoring your body to its pre-pregnancy beauty.

Additional Procedures


Labiaplasty can address changes in the labia caused by pregnancy and childbirth. Pregnancy can have a significant impact on the appearance and function of the labia minora or majora, leading to concerns such as labial laxity, asymmetry, hypertrophy, sagging, discomfort, and irritation. 

For those experiencing labial discomfort or irritation due to enlarged or protruding labia after pregnancy, labiaplasty offers a solution to alleviate these symptoms and improve overall quality of life.

Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL)

Pregnancy and childbirth can often result in loss of volume and shape in the buttocks. Many women find themselves longing for their pre-pregnancy curves and wanting to regain confidence in their appearance. What makes the BBL truly remarkable is its ability to address multiple concerns in one procedure. Not only does it enhance the size and shape of the buttocks, but it also allows for targeted body contouring by removing unwanted fat from other areas. Patients can achieve a slimmer waistline and a more sculpted silhouette, all while enhancing their buttocks.

How Much is a Mommy Makeover in New Bern?

At Zannis Plastic Surgery, we understand that each patient has unique needs and goals. During your consultation with Dr. Zannis, he will assess your specific situation and provide you with a comprehensive quote that reflects your treatment plan. Our goal is to ensure that you have a clear understanding of the costs involved in your mommy makeover journey, allowing you to make an informed decision about achieving your desired aesthetic transformation. You will experience a significant savings by scheduling a mommy makeover package rather than undergoing each individual procedure separately.

For more information about the mommy makeover, call our New Bern location at (252) 633-1197 or schedule now on our website.


Can I get breast augmentation as part of a mommy makeover?

A mommy makeover can include breast augmentation, breast lift, or both, to restore volume, shape, and firmness to your breasts, providing you with a more youthful and attractive breast silhouette.

What’s so good about a mommy makeover?

Every woman’s body is unique, and a mommy makeover offers a personalized approach to address your concerns and goals. Whether you need breast enhancement, body contouring, or a combination of procedures, your mommy makeover will be customized to achieve the best possible results for you.

How long does recovery from a mommy makeover take?

Recovery time varies depending on the specific procedures performed as part of the Mommy Makeover and individual healing capacity. Generally, patients can expect some discomfort, swelling, and bruising immediately after the surgery. Most individuals can return to light activities within a week or two, with more strenuous activities restricted for several weeks. Your surgeon will provide detailed aftercare instructions and support throughout your recovery journey.

How long do mommy makeover results last?

The results of a mommy makeover are designed to be long-lasting. This will depend on several factors including how much weight you gain or lose after the procedure. By addressing the underlying issues and combining various procedures, the effects of your mommy makeover can endure for years, giving you ongoing satisfaction with your physical appearance.


  1. Shermak MA. Abdominoplasty with Combined Surgery. Clinics in Plastic Surgery. 2020;47(3):365-377. doi: 
  2. Soteropulos CE, Edinger KM, Leibl KE, Siebert JW. Improvement in Back Pain Following Abdominoplasty: Results of a 10-Year, Single-Surgeon Series. Aesthetic Surgery Journal. 2020;40(12):1309-1315. doi: